
I don’t know if you’re like me but if so then you understand the effect that a good wander can have on ones soul. You might not wander far, but hopefully it’s far enough to disconnect from your normal life and get a new perspective. That new perspective is “The Wander Effect”.

The more you see. The more you realize. There’s more to see.

So we’ve created this brand to be a reminder.

The Nomads

There is a group of people out there. People who have tasted the road, mountains, oceans, and deserts and can’t get enough. They feel at home in a camper van, a tent, or a hammock. They spend excess money on gear to help them explore. They are artists, photographers, mountaineers, climbers, surfers, hikers, and roadies.

We want to tell their story. The highlights and the low lights of traveling. We do this through our social media networks(Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).